We're Back
We're glad to be home with the dogs and just in time for Harry Potter mania!
"If you think you are going to bring about social change by clicking a (computer) mouse or signing an online petition or going to a black tie dinner, you are wrong. If you really want change you've got to work — build committees, build allies, build coalitions." - Cleve Jones
6 Added Something:
Welcome back!!!
I work summer school through the 3rd of August... maybe I'll go up there for a visit (assuming you are not travelling for work).
You must post a link to an online photo album you and Eli took in Mexico...
Anka's stepmom is a rumored lesbian (random...)
Okayyyy....Rv3 thinks he's Perez Hilton outing folks...;-)
I think I could dive head-first into that pool AND that smoothie!
Glad to hear you had great holidays and that you came back safely. My dad's wife behaved badly to us. When I came back I spoke with my friend Nok who knows her because they worked together and they were roomates. She said to us that she has a sister and a brother, in reality her "sister" is her girlfriend and she says she comes from a good situated family, in reality her mom doesn't have money for food and she talks bad about her mom and her dad, and my dad. She doesn't send money to her mom, she sends money to her girlfriend and her mom goes to her to get money. my family thinks Max and I are bad and she is good. Fortunately I have great friends here in Slovenia and in States who love me and appreciate me and Max family is great to me since the first day Max introduced me to them. And we all adore and love David. He grows in a healthy loving environment. We were namely accused from her that we don't love David and that Max is crazy and poor.
it's like you went to Planet Earth for a vacation!
wtf is up with the other comment stuff? wild.
I am seething with jealousy. That pool/ocean is exactly where I want to be right now. Glad you had fun, although I am disappointed in the smoothie, because I was dreaming it was a margarita.
Felo, Anka, and SG, thanks for the updates.
DDS, what can I say? I provide a forum for ideas and information.
Colleen, I had some margaritas alright. We did one night out at a most hellish place -- Margaritaville. It was the 4th of July, so we thought it appropriate. Anyway, 2 of the big ones knocked me out so good/bad, I could hardly drink alcohol for the rest of the trip. Occasional beers and maybe the sum of one pina colada via sips off Elias. But not much given the heat and circumstances.
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