Even though I vowed, less than a month into our relationship, that I would never play Scrabble with Elias again because he's too smart and knows too many words, I'm back at it. I'm playing email scrabble with Elias.
It started out friendly enough as a game with Xui and Elias, and it's turned into more 3-way games and side games, tete a tete avec Elias. For the past 3 or 4 days, these games have taken up most of my internetting time. I keep losing, but I keep playing.
8 Added Something:
"You play, you win, you play, you lose. You play."
I won't even comment on the 3-way games...
Very brave of you. I'm not sure I'd play scrabble with Elias although when the two of us played with Jason once, Jason skunked us both.
Yeah, PLUS side games! I mean, whoa, TMI
i like scrabulous. too much.
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Remember Kathy those Scrabble games with a competitive former friend of ours??? Those games often got violent???
I love Scrabble, but I could never play it online..
I'm excited about scrabulous -- like i need more distractions. But, thanks for signing me up and giving me a new name
I have a new blog,
the old one didn't work
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