Predictions For 2007
The weather will be worse this year. As a result, more friends will join me in the bay area where it's kind of mild.
Xui says beards are out so he's growing one. He says Mayans will be in this year.
Brother John predicts that Saddam Hussein's execution will really mess things up in Mesopotamia. He thinks there will be big money in alternative fuel. Invest now. He also thinks people are going to have to fundamentally change their ways, and 2007 will mark a turning point.
Ed says country music, even indie country, will die for good. He's been stuck in the deep north of Northern California for days now, so I can see how he'd come up with this one. He says that Kabbalah is out and Zoroastrianism will be the religion of choice for the Pepsi generation.
I'm hoping to compile a more comprehensive IN and OUT list, so be on the look out.