I am all about the holidays right now.
For Thanksgiving, Elias and I are hosting our moms and siblings. I've placed my free range turkey order and have plans for something vegetarian for our special meat-free mom. I'll also prepare stuffing, green salad with beets, and pecan pie. I'm leaving the rest to everyone else. My step mom is making sweet potato casserole with marshmallows, and I'm psyched. I've only recently come around to eating sweet potatoes and yams, and I'm really curious about the sweet and savory promise of adding the marshmallows.
Speaking of curious... . Elias has gotten in the habit of worrying about things that shouldn't really bother him. For example, last night we watched a dvd, and he announced that the opening credits caused him to worry that the
film, with its star-studded cast, would be lacking in good writing. I didn't think he should "worry" about it so much as he might suspect or anticipate a bad film. He says it's a Berkeley thing, and that his colleagues preface their seminar remarks with, "The thing that worries me about [this ancient Greek poem fragment ... ] is ... ." I'm kind of worried that Elias is going soft. Me, I'd be all "What!?! Are you kidding me? This worries you?!? What do you think about world hunger, the war in Iraq, genocide in Africa, ... ?!?"